Secret formulas – it seems these days everyone is looking for them.
One of the most famous examples is Coca Cola’s secret recipe that is kept under lock and key in downtown Atlanta and only a few people in the world know the exact ingredients.
If you’ve spent more than 30 seconds on Instagram or Youtube recently, I’m sure you’ve seen ads desperately clamoring for your attention to sell you the “secret hack” you’ve been missing to either lose weight, gain muscle, or my personal favorite – MELT the fat away in just two weeks.
Want to know the funny thing about almost everything related to your health?
There aren’t any secrets or hacks.
Despite what billion dollar pharmaceutical companies would lead you to believe, there unfortunately aren’t any magic pills or a hidden 6-pack ab program that will finally be the thing that gets you to your goals.
Here’s a statement that anyone who has seen long term health results will also agree with: Results come from doing a few basic things consistently for months. They simply don’t get distracted by these “get fit quick” schemes no matter how often they are bombarded.
While there is no one individual thing that gets you instant results, here is what my “secret formula” would consist of: