It’s easy to get caught up in the latest trends and ‘hacks’ in health and fitness – but the truth is, being healthy doesn’t have to be so complicated!
Instead of stressing over minor things like taking that ‘one life-changing’ supplement, sauna and ice bathing or doing that one specific workout protocol everyday (all good things but not the most important things), prioritize these 4 simple habits instead and we promise you’ll see DRASTIC improvements in your overall health.
Strength train at least 2x per week, if not more than that.
Aim to get 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight you weigh.
Most people are surprised to find that they are way under this target!
When you are strength training in the gym, you are not actually getting stronger. You are actually breaking your muscles down and the other 23 hours of the day are when they are actually rebuilding and getting all of the benefits of strength training. The main resource you need in order to give your body what it needs to build those muscles back up is protein.
Prioritize at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night.
If you don’t feel like you have enough time in your day, check to see how much time you spend on your phone or watching TV every week… we guarantee you’ll be able to find some if you re-prioritize your time!
Go for a walk on the days you don’t strength train.
Shoot for anywhere from 10-15 minutes and that will drastically improve things like your metabolism and cardiovascular health.
Follow these 4 things in the new year and we promise you will see many more benefits than if you followed some random fitness ‘hack’ a social media influencer told you to!