Fitness Influencers…
Any of us who have social media have seen them and know exactly what most of their pages look like.
We see them doing ridiculous, attention grabbing movements at the gym or making claims like ‘Do this 5 minute workout routine to get six-pack abs’ or ‘Do these two movements to get rid of arm flab’ or ‘Take this one supplement to lose 20lbs fast.’
This begs the questions, is their content legit? Are their claims true?
With so many voices speaking about the health and fitness industry these days (many that have no business speaking on the topic), it can be hard to know what to believe and who to trust.
Here are 3 important things to remember as you wade through all the information on social media:
Successful long term fitness & nutrition habits aren’t flashy or trendy.
- The algorithm on social media rewards influencers for getting lots of likes, clicks and views.
- At the root, these people are trying to gain followings and in order to do this, they have to post attention grabbing videos and content.
- These videos can be funny and enjoyable but just know that most times, these people are putting out content in order to get attention rather than give you correct fitness guidance.
Influencers got in shape doing the basics!
- These people you see on social media doing their crazy movements and taking all these random supplements did not get insanely fit just doing these things every day – even though they might want you to believe that they did!
- They got in shape doing the all the basic, boring things they don’t show you on their social media like going to the gym 4-5 times a week, eating right, resistance training, etc.
If you want to see real success – focus on the basics!
- The little things influencers try to get you to focus on like taking a certain supplement or doing one specific exercise ARE NOT the solution to your problems. Don’t waste your time focusing on the small, nuanced things!
- Don’t fall for any claim that tells you that you can gain muscle or lose fat in one area very quickly or by simply doing one exercise. NO ONE is getting six pack abs by doing a 5 minute workout routine, we can promise you that.
- Get consistent working out (3x a week minimum) and STAY consistent
- Incorporate strength training and cardio into your workout routine, eat enough protein, drink enough water and get adequate sleep at night!
Watch the owners of Creed Fitness, Clint and Austin, talk more about about this topic HERE!