Avoiding Goal Failure in the New Year

With the new year comes lots of new fitness goals and resolutions. But many of these goals don’t last long and often get abandoned altogether once February hits.



We find that people often struggle with failure when it comes to their resolutions/goals in 2 main ways:

  1. They set new year’s resolutions or goals but fail to actually get started

  • People get caught up in what they see everyone else around them doing and feel like they have to set these “big goals” for the upcoming year. 

    • This is terrible motivation for setting goals and won’t be what keeps you sticking to those goals when the going gets tough.

  • They try to find that “perfect thing” they need to do in the new year

    • A lot of people get distracted by focusing on the small things they think they should be doing (like taking more supplements) or they just pick random goals – neither of which help with the major things that could use a lot of improvement in their life

  • In reality, the most important thing is to focus on the fundamentals and the things that will actually move the needle as far as leading a healthy life

    • Getting adequate sleep, consistency with workouts, not eating junk calories

    • Set goals to start something that will affect your health in a positive way. Get the help of a coach.

  1. They set new year’s resolutions and start on January 1st but fail to follow through. When they start to slip on their goals, they start to feel discouraged/indifferent and ultimately give up on them altogether in the end.

    • Some people set up too big of goals AND too long term of goals

      • It can feel hard to tackle massive goals/numbers. 

  • Set small daily, weekly or quarterly goals

    • Breaking it up into smaller time chunks makes a goal feel a lot more manageable and achievable. 

    • You will be able to stay on track a lot easier because your goal doesn’t feel like as big of a mountain to climb.

  • Start small and start simple!



Watch the full video here!


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