Are Deadlifts Bad For My Back?

Is Deadlifting Bad For My Back?


The deadlift is probably one of the most feared weightlifting movements we do in the gym and the one that also gets the worst rap!


This is because we’ve all heard of someone legitimately injuring their back doing a barbell deadlift and thus the negative connotation of “deadlift = back problems” was born. We get it though, ain’t nobody got time to be dealing with low back pain!


❌ BUT this way of thinking just isn’t true!

In fact, it’s just the opposite!


Injuries usually happen with this movement when people try to lift too much too soon and with improper form (hello curved spine )


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However, if you train deadlifts safely with good technique and proper loading over time, they are actually one of the BEST things you can do in order to protect your lower back and strengthen your legs! If performed correctly, the deadlift forces your lower back to stabilize the weight coming off the floor and thus strengthens the muscles right above your hips that run up to the base of your head called your spinal erectors. 


We need these muscles to be strong because the hinge movement (what a deadlift is) is a movement pattern we do a lot in everyday life. When you bend over to pick something up off the ground – hip hinge. Leaning over to close the car door with your hips – hip hinge. We can’t be afraid of loading up these movement patterns we do every day in order to enhance our lives by keeping us injury free and helping us to be overall happier and healthier!

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